Thursday, November 8, 2007

Special Visitor

Reason 2 for my lack of blogging...

Oct 26- Nov 8

ALAN came to visit! I imagine the anticipation was beginning to drive myself and everyone else around me crazy since I had started counting down a month before the arrival. On Friday I left early from school with Rafa and Rodrigo, the principal's husband and son to retrieve my wonderfully goodlooking boyfriend from the El Dorado Bogota Airport. Of course we were running behind schedule since I was depending on Colombians to get me there but that was ok becuase Alan was flying from Nicaragua which meant he was also on Latin American time and running late. Rafa stood at the exit with me and tried to calm down my jitters and remind me that it is better to go to the restroom than to pee on myself from excitement. We waited and watched the exit for 30 minutes hoping that Alan would be the next to walk around the corner and then finally he appeared, as goodlooking if not better than I had remembered, but he was walking to the other exit. So I shot across to the other exit as quickly as possible, dogging everyone else who was waiting for their (not quite as special as mine) visitors, and grabbed him from over the railing; An incredible memory that I will never forget. It felt unreal that he was finally here with me. That night we went to dinner, I showed him around the neighborhood a bit, and introduced him to my "family" here in Colombia.

Saturday the roomates had people over for a costume party to celebrate my birthday. Sunday, we went to church and explored a small porcion of the city (in the rain) and had a nice dinner. Monday (a special day that deserves its own special blog after this one is finished) I took the day off and we saw other parts of the city and went to Monserrate. Tues-Friday I worked and showed him what my life in Colombia is like as best I could. Friday- Monday we went out of town with some other teachers. Then on Thursday he left to go back to Nicaragua.

A great nearly 2 weeks that allowed me no time to update a blog because I spent every available moment with the guy I love!

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